Police have warned young drivers they "are not invincible" as they start a crackdown on driving offences.

The warning comes as part of a campaign to crack down on crimes such as speeding, drink driving, using a phone while driving and not wearing a seatbelt - all targeted at younger drivers.

Research has shown that in the county's most serious crashes, 37pc of them involved a driver under 29 years old.

Sarah Taylor, Norfolk's police and crime commissionerSarah Taylor, Norfolk's police and crime commissioner (Image: Labour Party)

Chief Inspector Vicky McParland, of the joint Roads and Armed Policing Team, said: “Getting your driving licence or riding a moped for the first time is really exciting.

"It is one of your first experiences of freedom and is something we all look forward to.

"It is critical that you start good habits from day one behind the wheel. Driving is a privilege, you are not invincible.

"It is your responsibility to look after yourself, your passengers and other road users.

“I do not want my officers knocking on your loved one’s door, to tell them that you haven’t made it home safely.”

READ MORE: Calls for tougher measures to stop speeding drivers as fears 'someone will be killed'

As part of the campaign, the force will use proactive patrols, unmarked police cars and motorcyclists from the Road Casualty Reduction Team.

Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Sarah Taylor, added: “Living in a predominantly rural county means that having the ability to drive at a young age is very important for work and leisure and gives young people more independence.

"With that freedom comes the huge responsibility to consider other road users and to adhere to the law.

"Younger drivers don’t have the benefit of having the years of driving experience that is often needed to be able to pre-empt other people’s behaviour and take action to avoid it.

"This can be made even more difficult if that driver is distracted by their phone or driving too fast."