Plans to convert a former piggery into five homes have been given the greenlight. 

An application to turn agricultural barns into five homes at Hall Farm Piggery in Baconsthorpe, near Holt, have been approved by North Norfolk District Council. 

Brown and Co, on behalf of Mr Lee Devlin of Devlin Developments Ltd, the applicant, said it believes the site stopped being used as a piggery in late 2021.

Aerial view of the application site looking east.Aerial view of the application site looking east. (Image: Brown and Co.) Permission to go ahead with the plans would allow the demolition of the existing piggery buildings in order to build the five new homes.

A new access drive would also be built as part of the plans from the northern site entrance while the south side would be "closed and infilled with hedging". 

Aerial view of the proposed plans at the application site looking east.Aerial view of the proposed plans at the application site looking east. (Image: Ayan Studios) According to the plans, the houses will be built to reflect "typical farm buildings". 

Planning papers said: "The dwellings have been designed to reflect the typical form of farm buildings, with a larger barn providing two two-storey houses on one plot, and a series of cart shed-style single storey dwellings arranged on the remaining plots."

The district council approved the plans, saying the proposal would be in keeping with "the rural vernacular and would be a significant improvement visually on the modern barn conversion".