A woman's poetry book is raising vital funds for her community's first responders.

Margaret Luckett-Gray, from Walcott, released her 12th charity poetry book on August 31 to raise funds the Broadland First Responders.

The book is called Responding To Memories.

George Cooper, the Broadland First Responder’s trainer, said: “A huge thank you to Margaret Luckett-Gray for writing and publishing, Responding to Memories poetry book and to Shayne Stork, Family Funeral Services who sponsored the printing.

“The launch at Walcott Village Hall was a phenomenal success with 72 books sold and still selling and all money raised from the book sales is coming to the Broadland First Responders and so far with the raffle, guess the number of words and donations £415 has been raised, plus another £54 since the event."

Poetry book Responding to Memories raises funds for emergency aid Poetry book Responding to Memories raises funds for emergency aid (Image: Submitted)

The funds raised will be used to support the purchase of important equipment, vital to the responder's life-saving work.

Mr Cooper added: “The people who have read the poems have been very positive and moved by their content."

Mrs Luckett-Gray, said: “I was delighted to launch this book, in memory of my late husband Maurice Gray

"But above all, to raise funds for such a brilliant group of people as we are so lucky to have such a team within our area.

"I would like to sincerely thank everybody who helped with the event, all those who sponsored items, everybody who purchased a book and to the Broadland First Responders who gave free defibrillator training."

Copies of the book, Responding To Memories, are available from the author on 07720 657918 at £2 each.