"You should've gone to Specsavers!"

That's the message form a frustrated 92-year-old to road bosses due to the state of overgrown verges in a Norfolk village.

Jim Brown is demanding action over the state of the verges in Manor Road in Spa Common near North Walsham. 

The untrimmed verge makes the road narrower, with cars brushing up against each other and protruding branches and debris when they pass.

The untrimmed hedges are also obscuring road signs, including the one that informs drivers that they have entered Spa Common.

There are also safety concerns over large lorries using the road.

READ MORE: Norwich grass verges under fire amid pressure on council

Mr Brown, aged 92 and who regularly travels the road to access North Walsham on his mobility scooter, says that the overgrown hedges make it dangerous for him to use the road.

In a scathing letter to Norfolk County Council, Mr Brown said he refuses to believe that road inspection team have not noticed the problem and has in fact suggested that they need to visit Specsavers to make sure that their eyesight is ok.

Overhanging obstructionsOverhanging obstructions (Image: Jim Brown)

He said: "Parts of the road are severely restricted, making me keep out closer to the road centre and I find it dangerous when heavy lorries come thundering by and I have to keep clear of the road edge because of overhanging vegetation."

READ MORE: Overgrown Norfolk's roadside verges spark complaints

After complaining, Norfolk County Council told Mr Brown in a letter: "No action has been taken at this time, but we will continue to monitor the problem - We have assessed that the defect does not currently meet our intervention criteria.

"We will continue to monitor as part of normal scheduled inspections.”

Mr Brown then escalated his complaint and wrote to the council's chief executive of the customer service teams.

READ MORE: People in Great Yarmouth frustrated with overgrown verges

The letter said: “I found this unexpected reply unbelievable.

"I do not believe that your Highways Officer has actually visited the length of Manor Road that leads to Spa Common.

"If they have, in fact, been there then a visit to Specsavers is urgently needed.

He had a reply on August 1 confirming that action needs to be taken, but that on average it can take up to six weeks.

Mr Brown and other locals have resorted to trimming parts of the verges themselves to try and improve the situation.