A café and tea room is to be turned into housing after council officials approved the change of use.

Under proposals submitted to North Norfolk District Council (NNDC), the Mulberry café and Tea Room, in Sheringham, will be transformed into a four-bedroom house.

The plans were unveiled after the owners of the café decided to close due to trading uncertainty.

READ MORE: Mulberry Cafe in Sheringham could be turned into housing

A report from the NNDC considering the issue said: “Officers consider the change of use to be acceptable because the application site is set back from the main high street of Station Road.

“The application site is not situated within the Primary Retail Frontage for the purposes of the adopted core strategy.

“Whilst the proposal would result in the loss of a café in a town centre location it is acknowledged that there are many other cafes and restaurants situated within the town centre of Sheringham.

The document adds that the change would not impact “adversely on the functionality of the town.”