A town society saw success with its first-ever booth at a market.

The Holt Society aimed to raise community awareness and recruit new members at Holt's monthly Sunday Market.

Chairman of the society, Robin Back, expressed his delight with the venture's positive outcome.

"This was our first such venture," said Mr Back.

“Our aim was to raise the profile of the society and to demonstrate to residents and visitors alike how the society works to promote the Georgian heritage of the town.

"Naturally, we also hoped to attract new members, and happily this was the case.”

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At the booth, folk got a chance to check out numerous society’s publications and a film.

The film, now in the East Anglian Film Archive, takes viewers on a walk around Holt, guided by historian Steve Benson and blended with Victorian and Edwardian photographs of past centuries.

"Preparation took a lot of hard work," admitted Mr Back, “but we had an enormous amount of support from a number of members, and this all contributed to make our first such venture the success that it turned out to be.”