A parish council has applied for five new parking spaces to be built outside a North Norfolk village hall to help alleviate vehicle chaos.

The application, which was submitted by Edgefield Parish Council, outlines plans for five parking spaces, including a disabled parking space, at an area outside Edgefield's village hall, near The Green.

Amanda Yacoubian, the Edgefield parish clerk, said in the application: "Access to the village hall will be improved for people with disabilities as they will be closer to the entrance.

"People who hire the village hall will also be able to unload equipment needed for classes events."

She said the village hall committee is "fully supportive" and will contribute towards costs for the project if approved.

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The green space outside the village hall has been earmarked for more parking spaces.The green space outside the village hall has been earmarked for more parking spaces. (Image: Edgefield Parish Council)
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"There is a huge benefit to the residents around the village green as parking for people at ending events in the village hall is currently non existent and cars park on the road where they can find a space.

"This has resulted in the road being blocked for access for the school bus and larger farm vehicles, people being unable to access their drives and garages.

"The parish council often has parishioners at ending meetings to ask if something can be done to alleviate the parking situation around the green and this scheme is a result of these requests.

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Ms Yacoubian also said the new ground will provide a hard standing for bands and displays during events held on the green.

"We have not encountered any concerns from residents.

"We have discussed this at the last three parish council meetings where residents were able to comment and this has only been met with approval," she said.

The determination deadline is expected for September 26.