It is perhaps the blue riband event of the Norfolk sailing calendar and this year's Gold Cup was certainly one for the history books. 

The race was won by Flip Dugdale, the first female helm to do so for 60 years, sailing a boat called The Miller.

She was crewed by her mother, Gilly Foulds, with the pair becoming the first mother-daughter team to win the race in its 127 year history.

Mrs Dugdale's husband, Richie, finished in second place, sailing Galium Hawk, creating another first for the event.

At 33, Mrs Dugdale is also the youngest winner for three decades.

The race, which was held on Sunday July 28, marks the end of Wroxham Week, the Broads biggest regatta, which is held on Wroxham Broad. 

The contest is open to various 'one design' boats - the most popular types for racing on the Broads. 

In the event, two types took part - 27 Yare and Bure One Designs, also known as White Boats, including The Miller, and two Broads One Designs, or Brown Boats.

The light breeze favoured the White Boats with their larger sails and Mrs Dugdale took the lead from soon after the start and held it for the four laps of the race. 

Her victory was all the more impressive as she defeated nine-time winner Chris Bunn and ten-time winner Ian Tims, who finished in third.

Mrs Dugdale, who has represented her country in sailing, said it had been an emotional finish. 

"I cried, laughed, hugged mum and put my head in my hands," she said. "I'm not sure in what order."

The mother-of-two, from Worstead, added: "I have grown up watching the race and then to be the person with the trophy is a bit surreal.

"Mum gave a lot of time and money when I was a kid to take me sailing all over the place so to do it with her made it more special.

"I had been sailing ok most of the week but others had been going better. I knew I had a small chance having come really close a few years ago.

"I think having Richie behind me round the first mark helped as I knew we would work together to get away rather than mess each other up.

"At the end, Richie was pleased I think. He’s not really one for words but said well done and once behind closed doors did tell me he was proud. Not sure he’s going to like me saying that."

Mrs Dugdale, who runs a company making boat covers, added: "I’ve joked about selling the boat now as it’s too nerve-racking to think about doing it next year but think I will as I want to show it not a fluke."


It is not known precisely how many women have won the race before.

Mrs Dugdale is the seventh woman to have her name on the trophy – though not all of those were helms.

Tradition at the time meant owners' names were marked on the trophy rather than the helms.

The first woman named as a winner is Mrs H L Clarke in Dingy Skipper in 1913 and then again in 1922.

From 1919, Miss D. Oetzmann won the race in Cigarette three times, it is believed she was helming.

In 1947 Lady Mayhew won the race in Pochard. In 1952 Mrs L K Smith’s name is on the trophy followed by Mrs M Adams in 1960.

In 1964 Jill Cox won in Golden Copper