If you were to carefully observe your teeth over a period, you might notice that they are not as white as they used to be. Do not worry because a professional teeth whitening in Turkey can easily solve this problem.

People from different countries can appreciate the fact that Turkey is the leading destination for dental care. This can be attributed to the technological advancements in this field coupled with the highly qualified specialists.

You can get the best whitening treatment in turkey at Cosmedica Dental since they have the equipment and expertise to handle this procedure. What can you expect before, during and after you have your teeth whitening in Turkey at Cosmedica Dental? We shall answer this query in this article.

What to Expect: Before

The preparation before your professional teeth whitening procedure is important. At Cosmedica Dental, we ensure that you have all the information you need to make the process a success. These are some things you will be advised on before the dental treatment starts:

  • Food: Dentists in dental clinics advise you to not eat for at least 2 hours after the bleaching. That is why Cosmedica Dental tells their patients to eat before they go for tooth whitening. If you have sensitive teeth or a sensitive tooth enamel, this sensitivity may increase after the treatment. But this feeling shall pass within some days.

  • Time: The tooth whitening process is straightforward at Cosmedica Dental and usually takes no longer than 45 minutes. However, it is vital to set aside a reasonable period, like an hour, so that you are not rushing out of the dentist's office after the process. Professional teeth whitening products take longer that home whiteners or simple whitening gels.

You should expect the dental practitioner to walk you through the procedure. This includes asking you about your overall, dental and oral health. The dental specialist will examine your mouth for gum disease, sores or cuts and ask you to remove any piercings.

You will also discuss the teeth whitening price and other possible teeth whitening methods. Most teeth whitening treatments are classified under cosmetic dentistry, so be sure to check with your insurance provider to ascertain if you are covered.

What to Expect: During

So, you've come to Cosmedica Dental, and the specialists have completed all the necessary pre-treatment assessments. The next step is to start the laser teeth whitening in Turkey.

Your dental hygienist will place a lip retractor, gauze and rubber dam on your lips. They will also apply a muco-gel on your lips and inner cheeks to safeguard them from the bleaching agent.

A bleaching gel with a whitening agent, usually hydrogen peroxide, is applied to the teeth. A curing light is used on the hydrogen peroxide as it speeds up and activates the whitening product. The product is left to sit for at least 20 minutes and reapplied until the desired shade is achieved.

Cosmedica Dental provides a relaxing environment so you can listen to music or watch TV as you wait for the results. The hygienist will rinse off the bleaching agent, which marks the end of the process. You may be given a tooth whitening kit to use at home if the dental specialist deems it fit.

What to Expect: After

After your treatment in Turkey at Cosmedica Dental, you will be instructed on the do’s and don'ts. The first instruction is on how to properly use the take-home teeth whitening kit, as well as other aspects associated with the whitening systems. Your teeth can get up to eight shades lighter when you get a professional tooth whitening procedure. The dentists advise to use a whitening toothpaste after the procedure to support the longevity of the results.

You are also expected to observe proper dental care, such as brushing after meals and flossing. Some of the things you should do after the procedure include:

  • The whitening systems open your teeth's pores, making them more susceptible to staining. You should only drink water for the first hour after the procedure.

  • You want to steer clear of foods that can stain your teeth, including sauces, tea, red wine, curry, berries, chocolate, and coffee. While you are avoiding that glass of red wine, remove staining lip glosses from the list too. The food and drinks should not be too hot or extremely cold.

  • You can eat non-staining foods like broth, cauliflower, cheese, milk, mushrooms, apples, and salmon.

  • This dental treatment can make your teeth sensitive, so use a regular soft-bristle toothbrush instead of an electric one.

When you stick to the instructions given by the dental hygienist, you will experience fewer side effects and maintain the results for longer.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening in Turkey at Cosmedica Dental

When you want cosmetic dentistry done right, come to Cosmedica Dental. This is because they are professionals at laser teeth whitening in turkey, and previous patients can validate this claim. The benefits of professional teeth bleaching are;

  • Professionally bleached teeth save you money in the long run. The teeth whitening costs are lesser because the results are better and last longer.

  • It may not be possible to get the right shade using an at-home kit. The teeth whitening price is justified because you can get up to 8-shades whiter teeth.

  • The dental professional will take care of other teeth and gum issues that you may have before proceeding to bleach your teeth.

  • Store-bought teeth bleaching kits may have more side effects, especially if they are not assessed and prescribed by a dental professional.

There is no doubt that whitening your teeth is a great initiative with endless benefits. You just need to get to the right dental specialist, and Cosmedica Dental is the right fit for you. Contact Cosmedica Dental today and begin your journey to whiter teeth and a brighter smile.