The fourth episode of Bill Nighy's hit series focusing on Norfolk and Suffolk will air this evening.

The much-anticipated TV series covers the East Anglian region and is voiced by the A-list Love Actually and Pirates of the Caribbean star.

Tonight's episode starts just after sunrise with a "blaze of colour" and sweeping footage of nine million tulips on Norfolk farmer Mark Evans's land.

North Norfolk News: Bircham's 160-year-old windmillBircham's 160-year-old windmill (Image: Paramount)

Evans and his team are gearing up to welcome 14,000 visitors to see the once-a-year spectacle, which is the UK's only tulip field.

After briefly heading across the border to Lowestoft, the show then moves over to Bircham in north Norfolk to its 160-year-old windmill.

Members of the public are able to bake their own bread at the mill's bakery under the skilled eye of seventh-generation miller and baker Ellie Chalmers.

North Norfolk News: Tibenham AirfieldTibenham Airfield (Image: Paramount)

Tibenham Airfield is next on the list and the former Second World War airbase's dramatic past is contrasted with its present-day use, as the show joins 30 members of the Women's Institute while they take to the air with the Norfolk Gliding Club. 

The show also takes a quick trip to the aristocratic Holkham Hall, home of the Earl of Leicester, for a cricket match on its sprawling grounds before sampling a pint of locally brewed beer in the Lord Nelson pub at Burnham Thorpe.

North Norfolk News: The wedding of Adam and Lucy in Thetford ForestThe wedding of Adam and Lucy in Thetford Forest (Image: Paramount)

Finally, the programme heads to Thetford Forest to help Geoff Scrivens and his team build two giant tipis in time for the wedding against a Norfolk sunset. 

Norfolk and Suffolk: Country & Coast will air on Channel 5 at 8pm this Wednesday.