The son of the leader of a group who caused outrage at Sheringham's 1940s festival by dressing up as Nazis has described his "deep shame" at his father's actions.

Jeremy Keeling said he had been "disgusted" by the antics of his father, Jim Keeling, whose Waffen SS re-enactment society was asked to leave last weekend's event.

The group, Eastern Front Living History, were dressed as Nazi soldiers and were reportedly goose-stepping through the town's high street and performing straight-armed salutes.

Angry locals confronted them and clashes broke out, at which point marshals and police escorted them out of town and back to their campsite for their own safety.

Mr Keeling Snr has defended the group's actions, saying they had not intended to offend anyone and that they were trying to teach people about the Nazi's war against the Soviet Union.

A photograph of him performing a Nazi salute while on a visit to Adolf Hitler's summer retreat in the Alps has since emerged. Mr Keeling Snr, 53, from Bradwell, claimed he had been mocking the dictator at the time.

But his son said his father's behaviour had been deeply offensive and accused him of "enjoying offending" people with his interest in the Nazis.North Norfolk News: Jim Keeling (pictured front right) with other men dressed as Nazis in front of The Lobster Pub in SheringhamJim Keeling (pictured front right) with other men dressed as Nazis in front of The Lobster Pub in Sheringham (Image: Submitted)

Mr Keeling Jnr, 34, said he was estranged from his father, in part due to his deep interest in the Third Reich.

"I moved to Newcastle a few years ago and have deleted him from my life," he said.

Mr Keeling Snr, a diving instructor, has said he does not share Nazi views and has told this newspaper his activities are to mock and belittle Hitler.

He says he "has a right" to ridicule the dictator, by performing salutes, for instance, because his father had fought the Germans in the Second World War and was wounded.

But Mr Keeling Jnr claims his grandfather disapproved of his son's interest in the Nazis.

"I remember many years ago before the death of my grandad, Jim stating his interest in the Nazis and far-right values," he said.

"My grandad would be truly angered, insulted and enraged by this, having suffered injuries fighting the Nazis."

North Norfolk News: Jeremy Keeling - Jim's sonJeremy Keeling - Jim's son (Image: Submitted)

Mr Keeling Jnr said his father had been interested in the Nazis for many years and recalled that when he was younger, his father would hang a swastika flag on the washing line on Hitler's birthday.

"I think he loves offending people and causing a stir. I believe he gets a sadistic kick, pleasure and thrill out of it, I am so happy to have deleted him out of my life.

"For example, he would always hang a Nazi flag on the washing line on Hitler's birthday."

READ MORE: You're not welcome, Herr! Under-fire group in Nazi uniforms: 'We've been tarnished'​North Norfolk News: Jim Keeling pictured in Nazi military uniform during a re-enactment Jim Keeling pictured in Nazi military uniform during a re-enactment (Image: Submitted)

READ MORE: Ugly scenes at 1940s weekend as police escort men dressed as Nazis from angry locals

Mr Keeling Jnr said many of his family still supported his father.

Mr Keeling Snr, a father of four, was asked to respond to his son's comments but has declined.

He has previously said: "For somebody to use the N-ism word is the worst slur anyone can say to me because my family suffered at the hands of those. That's why I would never have any interest in that.

"I've always said no politics. None of your rubbish. Yeah, we all take the mickey out of the silly little Austrian artist."

He has also previously claimed that his interest in the Nazis is "misunderstood" and that he is actually interested in exploring the history of the Eastern Front, where the Nazis fought the Red Army.

His group re-enacts the 5th SS Division Wiking (Viking), which was made up of recruits from western European nations like Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands. The unit has been accused of war crimes, including atrocities against Jews.

Mr Keeling Snr insists his group - who wear swastikas and death's head badges - "do not tolerate any politics or any form of religious persecution".

READ MORE: Leader of 'Sheringham SS' pictured performing Nazi salute at Hitler's Alpine retreat

North Norfolk News: Jim Keeling at Berghof, GermanyJim Keeling at Berghof, Germany (Image: Newsquest)

However, they have been roundly condemned, including by the Holocaust Education Trust, which described their appearance as "offensive".

As well as images of him performing the Nazi salute at the Berghof, Hitler's home in the Bavarian Alps, Mr Keeling Snr has also shared anti-Semitic tropes online.

A Twitter account set up in his name also features the numbers 1889 - the year of Hitler's birth.

He has declined to comment on these allegations.

North Norfolk News: Eastern Front Living History group pictured outside of The Lobster in Sheringham Eastern Front Living History group pictured outside of The Lobster in Sheringham (Image: Submitted)