Binmen in the North Norfolk and Breckland district council areas are to down tools and walk off the job in again as a pay dispute drags on. 

The week of strikes planned for April 11-14 will be the second in as many months, following a stall in negotiations between Unison the union and contractors Serco. 

Cameron Matthews, Unison’s eastern regional organiser, said: “Even though we’re announcing new strike dates today, the end of this dispute is in sight.

MORE: Bin men strike to hit north Norfolk and Breckland

“All it will take is councils freeing up a small amount of cash to ensure their refuse workers, streets cleaners, grounds maintenance and toilet cleansers can afford to live on their pay.

North Norfolk News: Bin collectors in Breckland, North Norfolk and West Norfolk could go on strike if talks over pay are unsuccessful

“They’ve told us before that if they step in there’s a risk that Serco would sue. 

“Now they know that won’t happen, they can easily resolve this dispute and ensure local workers are paid properly and residents get the service they deserve.”

MORE: North Norfolk bin men could face sanctions for missed rounds

The previous strike from March 13-17 hit bin collections, street cleaning, grounds maintenance and toilet cleansing across the two council areas.

Unison said Serco had made no new pay offer despite meetings with staff reps.

But Unison is still hopeful that the next planned strike can be called off if council leaders - who are ultimately responsible for the service - step in.

Peter Aylward, Serco Environmental Services' regional director, said: “We have offered to meet Unison next week to discuss the outstanding pay review in Breckland for 2022 and start discussions around 2023.

"Our final offer, which will not be increasing, meets the request previously made to us by Unison, is a significant improvement on current pay and we believe is supported by the majority of our employees.

"This above inflation offer has already been accepted by GMB members, our recognised trade union in North Norfolk, and is now being implemented including outstanding back pay.

"So, we would again ask our employees, who are members of Unison, to reconsider what is a very good offer and call off this action."